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Floor Mount Stool – 12” Diameter
ST-1200/Modern Detention Equipment
  • Seat shall be formed from 14 Ga. stainless steel and be 12” Diameter.
  • Stainless steel seat shall be reinforced with 12 Ga. steel drawn to a depth of 1” to fit total inside contour of seat top. Reinforcement plate shall be securely welded to stainless steel seat top.
  • Stool support shall be 2” Schedule 40 pipe securely welded to stool top reinforcing plate and base plate.
  • Base plate for anchoring the stool to the floor shall measure 9” x 9” x 3/16”.

  • All mild steel shall receive one (1) shop coat of rust-inhibitive metal primer. Field finish paint, color as selected by architect.
