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Two Man Dayroom Table With Individual Seats
MD-124-8/Modern Detention Equipment
  • Size of six (6) man unit to be 8’ x 4’-2”” with table height of 30”. Tabletop to be 8’ x 2’ and bench tops to be 8’ x 1’.
  • Table tops and seats to be smooth, true, level, and free of sharp edges.
  • Top and seats to be 10 Ga. steel
  • 3/16” angle iron shall be used to reinforce table top and bench top.
  • Legs of table shall be formed from 3/16” steel. A 3/8” mounting bar, pre-drilled with three (3) ½” diameter holes, will be attached to the base of each leg.
  • Bench supports shall be made from 3” x 5” x 3/16” angle iron.
  • One-piece, welded assembly, all welds neatly finished.

  • All mild steel shall receive one (1) shop coat of rust-inhibitive metal primer. Field finish paint, color as selected by architect.
