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Large Mirror
#1117/Modern Detention Equipment
  • Mirror shall be formed from 20 Ga. type 430 stainless steel polished for high reflectivity.
  • Mirror and framed shall be formed from one piece.
  • Mounting holes are to be extruded to prevent distortion.
  • Include Eight (8) stainless steel button head screws for mounting mirror.
  • Mirror embed to be made of 3/16” steel plate with ¼” holes for attaching mirror to embed.
  • Embeds to have countersunk holes for attaching to existing structure. Masonry or pre-cast anchorage tabs to be applied to plate for incorporation into new construction as appropriate.
  • Size
    11 1/4” x 17 1/4”

    All mild steel shall receive one (1) shop coat of rust-inhibitive metal primer. Field finish paint, color as selected by architect.
